About the Technical Seminar
We are pleased to welcome our speakers, appreciating their contributions
to help us develop the next era of precision nutrition.
Vice President of Applied Scientific Curiosity
Talk: Intro – The impact of dietary protein in the sustainability of poultry production
Fun fact: As a student, Elizabeth dreamed of hiking and discussing with scientific authors that had inspired her to pursue studies in physiology and immunology.
For 15 years, Dr. Santin had been a Professor of Poultry Pathology at the Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil. She completed her DVM at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria and PhD at the Universidade de São Paulo. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California in Immunology and Nutrition. Dr. Santin has been actively engaged in research in the fields of gastrointestinal health and microbiology applied to poultry production. She joined the Jefo team in 2019 as Research & Product Development Advisor. Today she is the Vice President of Applied Scientific Curiosity.
Frank Mitloehner
University of California Davis
Talk: A new view of the pillars of sustainability for poultry production.
Fun fact: He loves to hike, ski, and to go tubing with his wife and kids.
Frank Mitloehner is a Professor and Air Quality Specialist in Cooperative Extension in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis. He received his MS degree in Animal Science and Agricultural Engineering from the University of Leipzig, Germany, and his PhD degree in Animal Science from Texas Technical University.
Dr. Mitloehner is an expert for agricultural air quality, livestock housing and husbandry. Overall, he conducts research that is directly relevant to understanding and mitigating of air emissions from livestock operations, as well as the implications of these emissions for the health and safety of farm workers and neighboring communities.
View on YouTube : Sustainability- The 5 Pillars
Professor Kirk Klasing
University of California, Davis
Talk: Practical implications of the digestion of supplemental amino acids versus those in intact protein: how does this affect the bioavailability of amino acid for protein accretion versus nitrogen loss due to amino acid catabolism
and inflammation.
Fun fact: He hopes to ski every mountain in the world before his back gives out.
Dr. Kirk Klasing is an extensively published expert on poultry nutrition and immunology, with more than 175 peer reviewed publications, 10 books and eight awards to his name for his work in poultry nutrition. Specialist topics focus on the interaction between poultry nutrition and immunity, including the effect of diet on immune-competence, the nutritional cost of immunity and the impact of immune responses on growth-related physiology.
He is currently Professor of Avian Biology in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis, where he has worked for over 25 years. Previously, he was Assistant Professor of Animal Science at University of Illinois. He holds a BS in Agricultural Science and an MS in Animal Science from Purdue University and a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from Cornell University.
Peter Chrystal
Sydney University
Talk: Practical feed formulation for sustainable reduced-protein broiler diets.
Fun fact: Coming soon
Peter completed his Bachelor of Science in South Africa under Professor Rob Gous and is currently completing a PhD in poultry nutrition at the University of Sydney, investigating reduced protein diets in broiler chickens. Peter has extensive commercial experience in both monogastric feeds and vitamin and trace mineral premix manufacture. He has worked as a nutritionist for the largest poultry integrators in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia, where he currently works for Baiada Poultry, based in Sydney.
Peter has presented at a number of conferences around the globe and been both author and co-author of several peer reviewed publications. He has successfully used the Mechanistic EFG broiler Model as a tool to improve broiler performance and profitability for a number of different broiler companies. Current challenges in Australia include nutritional strategies for growing broilers in a reduced antibiotic environment and deciding on what alternatives (if any) should be used. In addition, his interest in reducing crude protein in commercial broiler diets, without sacrificing broiler performance, to achieve a reduction of litter moisture (and nitrogen excretion) and ultimately improve bird welfare and sustainability outcomes is receiving a great deal of attention.
Technical program
Sunday, July 10, 2022
2: 00 PM
Registration Opens
Monday, July 11, 2022
8:00 AM
Symposia & Sessions
5:00 PM
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
8:00 AM
Symposia & Sessions
5:00 PM
Poster Reception
6:00 PM
VIP Soirée
8:00 PM
Student Mixer (Tentative)
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
? AM
PSA Business Meeting
9:00 AM
Symposia & Session
Jefo Speakers
Ice Cream Social
Thursday, July 14, 2022
6:00 AM
PSA Fun Run
8:00 AM
Symposia & Sessions
5:30 PM
PSA Awards Banquet
San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter : 101 Bowie Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 | 889 E. Market Street San Antonio, TX 78205